With around 75 billion euros of annual revenue, 37.6 million of worldwide clients and 87% of CO2 free electricity, EDF is the world’s biggest electricity generator. The EDF Group covers every sector of expertise, from generation to trading and transmission grids. EDF builds on the expertise of its people, its R&D and engineering skills, its experience as a leading industry operator and the attentive support of its customers to deliver competitive solutions that successfully reconcile economic growth with climate protection.
EDF Research and Development (EDF R&D) employs 2 200 people (1/3 women) mainly located in the European Union including 1,200 scientists and 220 PhD students. A growing share of EDF R&D’s research activities is led through partnerships with industrials and academic entities worldwide. EDF R&D activities focus on three top priorities:
- Consolidating a carbon-free energy mix, by strengthening the Group's nuclear expertise, developing the full spectrum of renewable energies (solar, wind, marine…) and finding new storage solutions.
- Building smart grids for today's populations and the generations to come.
- Developing flexible and efficient energy end use, by better understanding needs, promoting new end use for electricity (heat pumps, electric mobility, etc.), establishing technical and economic models for sustainable factories, buildings and cities, and encouraging energy efficiency.