
Recoy is a Dutch company based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It focusses on valorizing flexibility (both physically as well as contractually) within the production processes of (mainly) large industrial sites. Flexibility is defined as the ability to adjust the production-processes in response to volatile electricity prices. This volatility will in all likelihood increase in the near-term future due to the ever-increasing portion of renewable electricity in the energy system. Flexibility (i.e. storage, ramp-rates of equipment, access to the electricity imbalance markets etc.) has a value which shows itself in decreased electricity costs or increased revenues. Recoy provides a range of short-term (day-ahead to real-time) electricity forecasts as well as analytical modelling techniques.
We are a partner in this of the Belgian firm N-SIDE. We have successfully implemented these techniques in a number of sectors such as the paper-industry, horticulturists, energy-transport, chemical industry, equipment manufacturers etc. We have a varied portfolio of customers such as Tata Steel, Nouryon, Nyrstar, Gasunie, Sappi, Chemelot etc. In addition, we are active in related areas such as smart charging of electric vehicles in combination with self-produced solar/wind electricity, analysing the economic robustness of electric boilers, stationary battery optimisation, best economic use of hydrogen etc.